Title: Snack
Author: Emme Burton
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: January 5, 2016
When Minnie Cooper moves back to her dad's hometown as a child, with her two brothers and Star Wars action figures in tow, they become immediate friends.
By junior high, Minnie, although unaware, is in love with him. Snack is completely in touch with his feelings for her.
Sometimes the villain in the story isn't a person. Sometimes it's time. And space. And fear.
Fear of losing the best friend you’ve ever had. Snack.
An overnight romance…twenty-six years in the making.
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“Whose are they?” I have no idea. Probably my dad’s or Clip’s. I shrug.
“I’ll bring you some of mine. I only want you wearing mine from now on.”
“Uh, O-Kay.” I stutter in response to his demand and most definitely his touch. I have no problem with that. Must be another one of Snack’s weird possessive things.
Snack twists the fabric of my boxers around his fingers and pulls me toward him. “Come here and kiss me. I can’t believe you haven’t kissed me yet.”
My heart thumps out of control and my brain is frozen.
I’ve heard actors say things like that in movies, but in real life? I guess it does actually happen.
About The Author
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